Currently Colorado

Trees, Tapas and Trolls: Discovering DuPage County

Trees, Tapas and Trolls: Discovering DuPage County

When we determined we'd be headed to Illinois for Drew's powerlifting seminar, you can bet your bottom dollar I was beaming with excitement. I really love the Chicago area, especially in the winter. Most people reading this that have been to Illinois in the winter are...

Meet Hill Country’s Firefly: the Wahwahtaysee Resort

Meet Hill Country’s Firefly: the Wahwahtaysee Resort

I decided the best way to spend part of January was to take my furbaby Courage on a Tour de Tejas ending in Hill Country -- namely, Kingsbury, TX at the Wahwahtaysee Resort. For the sake of transparency I must disclose that the Wahwahtaysee Resort did host me and...

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A strategic planner at heart, I'm in the business of making impactful campaigns work for incredible brands.