Society has a lot of expectations. It doesn’t matter who you are, even if the expectations we put on ourselves aren’t real — I think it’s fair to say we all still feel it. If you’re a woman, I’m definitely preaching to the choir. Being into the outdoors and a woman brings on a whole new set of expectations and limitations to the table. really be an outdoorsman.
When I first got started, I didn’t really think the outdoors were such a gendered activity, but man was I naive. I had no idea that being feminine in the outdoors meant I shouldn’t be taken seriously or that because I backpack with makeup, I must not
I said, “Screw all that.”
Now, I’m not a fool. I have grown up getting facials, because for some reason in Texas you start your beauty regime really, really early. I’ve dealt with blotchy skin and the forever wondering of, “Did I just pay $80 for someone to beat my face up?” I’m sure what they were doing was great, but as a teenager, leaving the salon looking worse than I did when I walked in was mortifying. I was very intrigued by The Lights because it’s supposed to keep your skin from looking so torn up and helps it bounce back faster. I signed up for the Brighter facial — an initial signature cleanse and 3 maintenance sessions, which is all included in their monthly membership. I was excited to see how my face would transform over the span of an entire week. I’ve done lots of one-time facials then I’ll go 6 months to a year before buying another one because they’re expensive as heck. For $169, The Lights makes getting regular facials so obtainable.
Now, my skin deals with all kinds of elements. Whether I’m hanging out by a campfire or spending hours in the sun with a pack on, I’m putting it through the ringer every weekend. Years of not maintaining this mess has apparently done a number on me. Ericka is gentle and quick, but was able to see the years of build up and had to fight it tooth and nail. We did healing, rejuvenating peels and masks – including their signature O2 facial that turns into bubbles and is SO fun. Add in some super sonic skin removal and extractions and I felt like I had a new face. Usually that is where the fun ends. I walk out, I look in the mirror and I ask myself why I ever came in the first place. But not this time! After our deep cleanse, I went under the LED facial lights that have a myriad of different benefits. Since my skin was needing moisture pretty badly, we focused on colors that would encourage that. And to my surprise, when I left the spa and looked at my reflection for the first time – I smiled. Like, really, really smiled.
I was so pleasantly surprised by how supple, clear and healthy my skin looked after one session. Usually I’m hiding my face after a facial and here I was taking selfies in broad daylight, just beaming with confidence! My skin has never looked so good right after and I can tell you it’s because of the LED light therapy.